You’ve managed to grow a healthy variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig but now you want more of these rare hybrid plants? Carry on reading to learn all about variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation.
Yes, a variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig can be propagated. Also, variegated Fiddles are pretty rare so shopping around and purchasing one is rarely an option. Propagation of variegated Fiddle Leaf Figs is the easiest and most inexpensive way to grow new plants.
Can You Divide A Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig?
Yes, you can divide a variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig. Dividing should only be done when two or more plants are growing together. Be sure to check whether this is the case. If you see two individual stems emerging from the soil then you can divide them. But if you only see one variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig with a branch, you can’t divide it, but you could still propagate the branch.
Can You Take A Cutting From A Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig?
Yes, you can take a cutting from a Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig. Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation is pretty straightforward and exactly the same as for the regular Fiddle Leaf Fig plant. Stem/tip cuttings are taken from a mother plant and placed in a propagation medium. Both water and soil work well for this purpose.
Can You Cut And Replant A Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig?
Yes, cutting and replanting a Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig (taking a stem cutting/tip cutting) is perhaps the easiest way to grow more self-sufficient plants. Wait for cuttings to grow roots and then plant them in a quality well-draining potting soil mix.
Where To Cut When Propagating A Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig?
Cut just above a node when propagating a Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig. Pick a stem first – make sure it has two or three leaves. Locate a node below the top leaf and cut using a sharp sterilized knife.
Can You Grow Variegated Fiddle Leaf Figs From A Single Leaf?
No, you can not grow a Fiddle Leaf Figs from a single leaf. The reason is that a single leaf can not grow new shoots. A leaf cutting will grow roots, but don’t let that fool you. Those roots will never produce a new bud. However, Fiddle Leaf Fig leaf propagation may be possible if the leaf has a dormant bud. This process is known as leaf-bud propagation.
How To Propagate a Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig Through Leaf-Bud Propagation?
To propagate a Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig through leaf-bud propagation, you should take a leaf cutting that includes a small part of the bark with it. So, besides the leaf and the petiole make sure to cut out a small part of the bark as well. The bark will contain a dormant bud that will eventually grow a new shoot and a new plant.
If you don’t take a small piece of the bark as well, the leaf cutting will grow new roots, but will never produce a new shoot/a new plant.
Note that there are no guarantees with this process – it is not considered to be the easiest or most successful method.
How To Propagate A Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig From A Branch?
To propagate a Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig from a branch, follow the next steps:
- Prepare propagation container and medium
- Sterilize pruning tools
- Take a cutting
- Place variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig cutting into the medium
- Place it into full sun (at a minimum bright indirect light)
- Water regularly (once the top inch of soil dries out)
- When the cutting roots, reduce watering (only water once the soil is fully dry, to the bottom of the pot)
Any clean container you have on hand will do. Jars, cups, and pots can all be used. Alternatively, you can purchase a propagation container. Make sure to use an airy, well-draining soil mix. Amending soil with perlite, vermiculite, and similar materials will provide proper drainage.
Sterilize pruning shears. It’s not necessary, but it will reduce chances of an infection that could kill the cutting.
Take a tip cutting/stem cutting from the mother plant. It should have at least a couple of leaves. You can pick a cutting with three to four leaves if they’re small or a cutting with 1-2 leaves if they are big. Use a clean sharp tool, and cut right above a node.
Gently place the cutting into the propagation medium. Once this is done, be patient. Variegated Fiddle Leaf Figs are not so fast to grow as their “cousins” with dark green leaves. With that in mind, expect to wait a bit longer for your variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig cutting to grow new roots.
Place the propagation container into full sun or a minimum of bright indirect light. What does bright indirect light mean? It’s indirect light over 3,000 lux. Check out the linked blog post for more details. More light means more photosynthesis and faster rooting.
Water the cutting regularly, once the top inch of soil dries out.
Once variegated leaf cuttings grow roots, reduce watering. Keep in mind that Variegated Figs need well-draining soil. To ensure you’re using the right type of soil, try Mother Earth mix. It can be used straight out of the bag, no need for amendments. Of course, you can also make your own potting soil mix for new plants. Just mix 2 parts of regular potting soil with 1 part perlite and 1 part bark, vermiculite, pumice, or another amendment.
Can Variegated Fiddle Leaf Figs Be Propagated In Water?
Yes, Variegated Fiddle Leaf Figs can be propagated in water, through the following steps:
- Fill a propagation vessel with water
- Sterilize pruning tools
- Take a cutting
- Place the variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig cutting into water
- Put the cutting in a spot with bright indirect light
- Replace the water weekly or more often if it gets dirty
- Once the cutting grows 2 inches of roots, plant it in the soil
Can you root Variegated Fiddle Leaf in water?
Absolutely, you can root a Variegated Fiddle Leaf in water. Lots of people prefer to do this because it lets them see roots forming on Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings. Whether you choose water or soil for variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation comes down to personal preference.
How Do You Propagate Variegated Fiddle Leaf Figs From Roots?
Propagation of Variegated Fiddle Leaf Figs from roots is possible for a variety of plants, including herbaceous plants and some woody ones. Unfortunately, there are no sources confirming that variegated Fiddle Leaf Figs can be propagated from roots. Still, you can easily learn to propagate Fiddle Leaf Figs in soil or water by rooting stem cuttings.
How Long Does It Take A Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig To Root?
It usually takes about one to two months for a variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig to root. It usually takes much longer for it to develop roots compared to its non-variegated counterparts. This greatly depends on the environment – the amount of light, temperature, etc. Variegated Ficus Lyrata also requires more light. That’s because yellow sections of the leaves have no chlorophyll so they can’t photosynthesize. Dark green leaves have more chlorophyll than lighter green leaves. For this reason, make sure you provide more light to cuttings of variegated Fiddle Leaf Figs than you would to regular Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings. If that’s not possible, grow lights are an easy fix.
What Are The Most Common Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation Problems?
The most common Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation problems are:
- Tip/stem cuttings dying
- Root formation taking too long
The reason why cuttings die may be related to unsterilized pruning tools. The solution is simple – just make sure to sterilize tools before using them. The wrong type of soil can also be the reason for problems during propagation. Lack of oxygen in soil may slow down new root growth and even lead to the cutting dying. That’s why you should use the right type of soil mix. The soil must be airy and well-draining for roots to develop. Eventually, light may play the most important role. Since variegated Fiddle Leaf Figs need more light than regular Figs, you may want to use grow lights.
Regardless of what you do, some cuttings will always die, that is just nature. We can’t control it. All we can do is provide the best conditions for the plants and let nature take its course.
Why Do White Spots Occur On My Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig During Propagation?
White spots occur on your Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig during propagation because of the new root development. Before new roots emerge, you may notice white bumps aka root primordium. This process is nothing unusual so if you notice bumpy white spots there’s no reason to be concerned. Roots are simply still developing and you can expect to grow a healthy Fiddle Leaf Fig.
What Is The Best Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig Rooting Hormone?
One of the best Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig rooting hormones is the Garden Safe rooting hormone. Using a rooting hormone for variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation will increase the odds of success since it promotes root formation. Rooting hormones are usually reasonably priced and application is pretty simple. Once you have a variegated Fig cutting, just dip its lower end into the rooting hormone. After that, place it into the propagation medium.
Try the Garden Safe rooting hormone.
Yours Truly,
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