Want to grow a brand new plant from your dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig? The following article covers the ins and outs of dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation. Continue reading to learn about all the different dwarf fiddle leaf fig propagation methods – stem cuttings, division, air layering, and leaf cuttings. You will also learn how to propagate Fiddle Leaf Figs – where to cut, what time of year to do it, common propagation problems and much more.
Yes, dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig can be propagated. This is a very common way to create new houseplants from a parent plant. Propagating Fiddle Leaf Figs is inexpensive and can be done any time of year. To start with, you need a healthy dwarf Fiddle tree to take stem cuttings from. The propagation container and propagation medium are next on the list. Some patience is also necessary since it takes time for cuttings to grow new roots.
What Are Different Ways To Propagate a Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree
You can propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig tree in the following ways: from a branch (so called stem cutting method), through division and through air layering.
Can You Divide A Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant?
Yes, you can divide a dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig plant but only if the plant has two or more individual trunks. Two or more Fiddle Leaf Fig trees growing next to each other and emerging together from the same soil can be separated. But first make sure to check if that’s the case with your dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig. In case it only has one trunk that’s branching and not two individual plants, don’t attempt to divide it.
If you have two trees growing next to each other, take them out of the pot, remove the soil between the plants, and cut the roots connecting the two plants. Then proceed to pot each one individually.
Can You Take A Cutting From Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees?
Yes, you can take a cutting from Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig trees. Rooting Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings is the most common way of propagation. In case you have an adult and healthy dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig plant, you can take multiple cuttings from it.
How To Propagate A Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant (Bambino Fiddle Leaf Fig) From A Branch?
To propagate a Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig plant from a branch, follow the steps below:
- Take a stem Fiddle Leaf Fig cutting
- Take a propagation vessel and fill it with water
- Remove bottom leaves (leave top 2 leaves)
- Put the cutting in the propagation vessel
- Place it in direct sun or at least bright indirect light
- Replace the water twice a week
- Give the cutting time
- Once 2-3 inches of roots grow, prepare the potting soil
- Plant Fiddle Leaf Fig cutting
When taking a stem cutting, aim for a cutting with a couple of Fiddle Leaf Fig leaves. Three to four leaves on a cutting is also fine if they’re small. Use a clean, sharp, sterilized tool and cut above a node.
Find a nice propagation vessel and fill it with water.
Put the cutting in the propagation vessel. Aim for the bottom 2 to 3 nodes to be under water at all times. This increases the chances of the nodes growing roots.
Place the vessel in a spot with a lot of light. Fiddle Leaf Figs love direct sun, but if you don’t have a spot with direct sun, an area in front of your brightest window with bright indirect light (3,000+ lux or 300 foot candles) will be fine. The goal is for the Fiddle Leaf Fig cutting to have an unobstructed view of the sky. Bright light increases photosynthesis and speeds up propagation and new growth.
Aim to replace water at least twice a week, to provide fresh water with oxygen. Also make sure to add fresh water whenever the water level goes down due to evaporation. If the water gets dirty, replace it right away. Dirty water is a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi that can harm the plant.
The next step in propagation process is giving the cutting enough time to root. Developing a root system will likely take several weeks, depending on your environment.
Once the cutting grows at least 2 to 3 inches of roots, it’s time to prepare the potting medium. Amend 2 parts of regular potting soil with 1 part of vermiculite, perlite, bark, or another similar amendment. You want to have an airy, well-draining potting mix. You could also use Mother Earth Groundswell mix, which is a well-draining mix which you don’t need to amend with anything.
Now it’s time to plant the dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig cutting and patiently wait for new leaves. New growth can take a while. Treat each rooted cutting as a self-sufficient new plant.
You can also propagate a cutting in soil. Place the cutting in potting soil, water it and cover with a clear plastic bag. Place the cutting in bright indirect light, but avoid direct sunlight. You’re avoiding the sun for 2 reasons:
- It will dry out the cutting too fast
- Since the cutting is in a clear plastic bag, direct sunlight can create too high a temperature inside the bag which can kill the plant.
Make sure to keep the soil moist, otherwise, the cutting can dry out and die. In a few weeks, the cutting will have new roots growing. At that time you can remove the plastic bag and go back to the regular watering schedule – once the soil has fully dried out. New growth can take a few months.
Where To Cut When Propagating A Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig?
When propagating Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Figs, cut below a node. How to locate a node on dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig plants? Nodes are parts of the stem from which the leaves grow. You should take a cutting with 2-3 leaves. A cutting with more leaves will also work well if the leaves are small. Locate a node below the second or third leaf and cut below it. This will leave you with a stem cutting that has a few leaves and is ready to be propagated.
Can A Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig Be Propagated In Water?
Yes, a Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig can be propagated in water. Water propagation is a very common method to grow more Ficus Lyrata plants from a parent plant. All you need is a stem cutting from your dwarf Fiddle and clean water. Of course, plenty of light and suitable temperature are preferrable for successful propagation. Once you place a cutting in water and give it several weeks, you will see new roots growing. You can then plant the cutting with a developed root system.
How Do You Propagate Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Figs From Roots?
Unfortunately, there is no proof that you can propagate a Fiddle Leaf tree from roots. Plant propagation is known to be successful for herbaceous and some woody plants but not when it comes to Fiddles. Luckily, there are other methods that are pretty successful. For example, you can learn how to propagate a Fiddle Leaf Fig in water or soil through stem Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings. You could also learn how to propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig by air layering. Both of these propagation methods have been proven to be successful unlike propagation from roots.
Can You Grow A Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig From A Single Leaf Cutting?
You can not grow a Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig from a single leaf. The reason is simple – Dwarf Fiddle Leaves can’t grow new shoots. That’s why it is impossible to create new plants through leaf propagation. But is it at all possible to propagate a Fiddle Leaf tree from a leaf? It should be possible through leaf-bud propagation. Instead of taking just a leaf and placing it in a propagation medium, take a leaf with a dormant bud (a small part of the stem bark). Although it works in theory, note that this is by no means the easiest method of propagation.
How Long Does It Take A Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig To Root?
A Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig usually takes about one month to root but this depends on your environment. Cuttings that receive bright indirect light will grow roots faster than those receiving low light. Temperature also plays a major role – a heat mat placed under a propagation container will raise the temperature of the propagation medium by 5-10 degrees and will speed up propagation. The propagation soil that’s loose and well-draining increases the odds of succesful propagation too. If you’re propagating in water, adding an air pump will provide regular oxygen for the cutting, which will also significantly speed up propagation.
Another thing that can speed up root development is rooting hormone. How long it takes for dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig to root is individual but keep a close eye on your cuttings. If roots don’t take off after several weeks – you’ll want to troubleshoot.
Some cuttings will not be succesful, which is why it’s best to always take several cuttings.
What Are The Most Common Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation Problems?
The most common Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation problems include:
- New roots growing too slowly
- Cutting dying
What causes these problems? In most cases, issues come from unsterilized tools, not enough light, or lack of oxygen in the soil. After troubleshooting, there’s an easy fix for each of these problems. First, make sure to disinfect pruning tools before cutting a stem. Next, place a cutting in front of the brightest window with an unobstructed view of the sky. Alternatively, use grow lights to compensate for the lack of natural light. And, use the right type of propagation soil. To increase the amount of oxygen in the soil, use an airy and well-draining soil mix. If you are propagating in water, replace the water twice a week to provide oxygen, or even better, use an air pump.
Why Do White Spots Occur On My Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig Stem During Propagation?
White spots occur on your Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig plants during propagation because of the root development. New roots will emerge in those places where you see white bumps aka root primordium. This is completely normal and nothing to be concerned about.
What Is The Best Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig Rooting Hormone?
One of the best Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig rooting hormones out there is Garden Safe rooting hormone. Whether or not to use rooting hormone for cuttings is a personal choice. Applying it for propagation is not necessary but can certainly be beneficial because it promotes new root growth. If you prefer to use it, simply dip the lower end of the cutting into rooting hormone. After that, place it into the propagation medium.
Propagating Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees is easy and fun, like many other plants, if you have the right advice. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments.
Yours Truly,
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